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Wyoming Court Records

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Wyoming Arrest Records

Arrest records are official documents that indicate a person's apprehension and detention. They specifically reveal that a person has been taken into custody, held for investigation, or restrained by a law enforcement agency due to an accusation that the person has committed a crime. All information relating to citizens' arrests and bookings is recorded in law enforcement agencies' computer systems. This makes it possible for the record custodian to retrieve arrest records when requests are made. Arrest records in Wyoming are usually maintained by the State Department of Corrections, State Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI), County Sheriff's Offices, and City Police Departments. Arrest record requests can be made online, by phone, email, or in person, depending on the record custodian. Individuals and agencies submit arrest record requests for various reasons. For example:

  • Lawyers can conduct an arrest records search as part of evidence for an ongoing court case.
  • Law enforcement officers can use arrest records for investigatory purposes.
  • Landlords conduct arrest record searches on prospective renters to guarantee the safety of current renters and minimize financial liabilities that may arise from injuries to tenants due to criminal acts.
  • Lenders can use arrest records to determine whether a person is eligible for loans. This helps them determine whether the applicant is truthful and can repay the loan at the agreed-upon time.

The average daily population (ADP) of arrested persons booked in the Wyoming Department of Corrections (WDOC) for FY23 was 2,208, a slight increase from 2,180 in FY22. The FBI 2019 arrest report reveals that about 26,028 arrests occurred in Wyoming, and about 3,117 were juvenile arrests. The arrests were made for crimes like property crime, larceny, violent crime, and aggravated assault.

Are Arrest Records Public in Wyoming?

Yes. The Wyoming Public Records Act authorizes all law enforcement agencies in the state to disseminate arrest records to members of the public. This makes all arrest records open for inspection and copying by anyone during a record custodian's business hours (Wyo. Stat. § 16-4-202). However, the Wyoming Public Records Act does not permit the release of certain arrest records because they are deemed confidential. Examples of such records are:

  • Juvenile arrest records
  • Medical records of arrestees
  • Victim information
  • Investigatory records, intelligence information, or security procedures of law enforcement agencies
  • Warrant application, affidavits, and unexecuted search warrants until the warrant is executed.
  • Arrest records whose inspection would endanger the life or physical safety of an individual.

What is Included in Wyoming Arrest Records?

Most arrest records are public in Wyoming. Therefore, requesters should be able to find the following information in a complete arrest record:

  • Mugshot
  • Arrestee's full name and occupation
  • Age, sex, and race
  • Height, weight, and eye and hair color
  • Arrest date, time, location, and status
  • Arresting agency
  • Scheduled release
  • Charges
  • Court
  • Booking or inmate number
  • Booking disposition and date
  • Sentence date and length

Find Public Arrest Records in Wyoming

Record seekers can find public arrest records at most law enforcement agencies in Wyoming. Requests to inspect or copy public arrest records can be made online or in person. For example, statewide arrest information can be retrieved online or in person from the Wyoming Department of Corrections (WDOC). Online requests can be made using the Offender Locator. The search criteria are by name or inmate number. In-person requests should be made during business hours at the appropriate WDOC institution. A name or inmate number would be required to process the request. Note that copies of arrest records attract a small fee depending on the amount of copies requested.

Wyoming residents can request arrest records from local law enforcement agencies, such as County Sheriff's Offices and City Police Departments. These agencies provide arrest records:

  • Online: Some Sheriff's Offices in Wyoming, like the Sheridan County Sheriff's Office, constantly upload arrest records on their websites for public perusal. Others have Inmate Search portals/Inmate Lists that release arrest and inmate information to the public. For example, the Uinta County Sheriff's Office has an Active Inmate Roster listing all incarcerated persons' arrest information. Individuals can also view arrest information electronically at police departments in Wyoming if they request police reports. The Cheyenne Police Department's Records Division only issues police reports online.
  • By phone: Some Sheriff's Offices in Wyoming also issue arrest information over the phone. For example, the individuals can get arrest records maintained by the Natrona County Sheriff's Office by contacting the Detention Center's automated phone system at (307) 235-9521. Some information about the arrest must be provided to facilitate the search.
  • In-person: Requesters can visit any local law enforcement office during business hours to request arrest records. A name or booking number will be required to process the request. For example, the Evanston Police Department issues police reports (including arrest reports) in person from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • By email and mail: Some local police departments in Wyoming offer arrest records by email and mail. For example, to get arrest records from the Green River Police Department, requesters must complete the Records Request Form and send it by email at grpdrecords@grwyo.org or by mail. The necessary fees must be paid before the requests will be processed.

According to Wyo. R. Prac. & P. 45, a Court Clerk can issue a subpoena to a requester commanding a law enforcement agency in Wyoming to produce or to permit inspection or copying of confidential arrest records. A subpoena can be served by the sheriff, a deputy sheriff, or anyone who is not the case party and is not a minor. After the service, the requester must file a statement with the issuing clerk stating the date and manner of service and the person's names. The statement must be certified by the person who made the service. The law enforcement agency must respond to the service in writing within 14 days if they object to releasing the required records.

How to Lookup Arrest Records Online in Wyoming

State and local law enforcement agencies in Wyoming have online databases where individuals can view arrest records. For example:

  • The Wyoming Department of Corrections (WDOC) issues arrest information through its online portal. The search parameters are by name or inmate number.
  • Some County Sheriff's Offices upload arrest documents on their websites, while others allow requesters to view arrest records on their inmate search portals. For example, individuals can find arrest records on the Big Horn County Sheriff's Office's website by checking the Helpful Link section and clicking the "Arrests, Calls, Inmates" tab. Click on "Incarcerated People" on the left navigation plane to see the arrest records of individuals held in Big Horn County Jail.
  • Most Police Departments in Wyoming issue arrest records in person. Only very few upload arrest records online to members of the public. Individuals should check the police department website in the city where the arrest occurred to find out if an online arrest search is possible. For example, the Rock Springs Police Department Records Division permits individuals to request copies of police reports online.

Alternatively, Wyoming residents can retrieve arrest information through third-party online platforms. A name-based search that returns results for multiple jurisdictions is guaranteed on third-party portals. However, these portals are not trustworthy since they are not as efficient as government or official search portals. Fortunately, most third-party vendors provide initial arrest record searches for free to the public. However, a fee must be paid for comprehensive searches. These searches cost between $2.95 and $4.95 for 7 days of unlimited access or a monthly subscription charge between $19.95 and $24.95.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record in Wyoming

Typically, arrests stay permanently on a person's records. However, some eligible arrests can be removed through expungement. The Wyoming State Archives provides information on the arrest records retention schedule in the state:

  • Arrest records relating to criminal cases filed at the Circuit Court are retained 10 years after completion and then destroyed
  • executed arrest warrants are retained for 2 years
  • Arrest records relating to case files of offenders with death penalties are destroyed after 50 years.
  • Arrest records relating to juvenile case files are destroyed after 14 years.
  • Arrest records relating to victim case files are destroyed after 15 years
  • Criminal investigation records are destroyed after 5 years
  • Arrest records of addicted offenders are destroyed 7 years after an assessment has been completed.
  • Records related to fingerprints of criminal offenders are destroyed 100 years after creation.
  • Inmate intake records are kept for 3 years after superseded
  • Records related to criminal jacket files are destroyed after 99 years
  • Inmate medical files are retained 10 years after separation
  • law enforcement case files are kept for 10 years
  • Arrest records related to the management of citations (excluding alcohol, parking, traffic, or game and fish violations) are kept for 1 year
  • Arrest records relating to citations involving alcohol, including implied consents, are destroyed after 5 years

Expunge an Arrest Record in Wyoming

Per Wyo. Stat. § 7-13-1401(j)(i), expungement is the classification of arrest records so that they become confidential and only open to criminal justice agencies for criminal justice purposes. The following individuals are eligible for expungement in Wyoming:

  • Arrested persons who were not convicted of the offense (Wyo. Stat. § 7-13-1401). The arrest records can be expunged 180 days after the arrest or after the criminal charge was dismissed.
  • The arrested person has a single misdemeanor conviction, which excludes the use or attempted use of a firearm, and was not a conviction of a healthcare provider for sexual battery against a patient. The arrest record can be expunged after five years of completing the sentence for any non-status offenses and at least one year after completing the sentence for any status offenses (Wyo. Stat. § 7-13-1501).
  • A person convicted of a felony who did not use guns in the commission of the crime, 10 years have passed since the completion of the sentence, and all court-ordered restitution has been paid can have their arrest records expunged.

To expunge arrest records in Wyoming, eligible individuals must file a Petition for Expungement with the appropriate court. The petitioner can prepare the form themselves or hire the services of an experienced attorney. The court's filing of the petition varies depending on the offense being expunged. The petitioner can file the form at the court where the case was heard, that is, if there were charges and a court case. The notice of petition must be served on all parties of the case (like the prosecuting attorney and the division of criminal investigation) depending on the offense to be expunged. The filing fee for felony expungement is $300, misdemeanor expungement costs $100, and there is no filing fee for nonconvicted offenses. The prosecuting officer has 30 days to respond to misdemeanor petitions, 90 days for felony petitions, and 20 days for nonconvicted petitions. The court will set a date for a hearing if an identifiable victim or the prosecuting attorney submits a written objection to the court regarding the petition within the specified date. If no objection is filed to the petition, the court will enter an Order of Expungement. The court will place the petitioner's court files under seal, available for inspection only by court order. The court will send a certified copy of the order to the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI).

How Do I Find Recent Arrests in Wyoming?

Individuals can find recent arrests online, by phone, or in person at law enforcement agencies. Most of these agencies have online arrest portals where individuals can easily find current arrest information. For example, the Park County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) publishes a list of all arrested persons on its website. To locate this list:

  1. Go to the official website and click the "Arrests, Calls, & Inmates" link on the left navigation plane.
  2. Click the "Arrest" link on the left navigation plane.
  3. Conduct a search by date range or name.

Individuals can also use the inmate portals or rosters provided by most County Sheriff's Offices to find recent arrest information online in Wyoming. For example, record seekers can search the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office's Inmate Roster for recent arrest records. The Sheriff's Office also permits requesters to submit a Case Report Request Form to request copies of arrest records for a $5 fee per case report. However, the requester must call the office at (307) 885-4940 or (307) 877-2152 in advance with the case number or provide detailed information about the arrest.

Wyoming residents can also find recent arrest information at Local Police Departments. For example, The Jackson Police Department allows inquirers to complete a fillable Online Request Form or print the Request Form and email it to the Department at JPDIC@jacksonwy.gov. The processing time is seven (7) days after request submission.

Are Wyoming Arrest Records Free?

Yes, most County Sheriff's Offices in Wyoming provide arrest records online at no cost to the public. Requesters can either check their arrest portals or inmate roster to find the appropriate information. For example, the arrest records that the Sublette County Sheriff's Office maintains can be found for free on the Active Inmate Roster page. The Wyoming Department of Corrections (WDOC) also provides arrest records at no cost online through its Offender Locator. A search can be conducted by name or inmate number. Note that in-person arrest records requests come with a search and copy fee. Therefore, requesters who want free searches should opt for online requests.

Wyoming Arrest Records
  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!