Wyoming Court Records
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Where to Find Wyoming Civil Court Records
Civil court records in Wyoming detail the proceedings of the civil courts in the state. These records document case files, evidence, sworn statements, transcripts, motion, and a variety of other information generated during legal disputes between individuals, businesses, or organizations. The Wyoming courts where the civil cases are heard typically maintain and disseminate civil court records in the state. Also, WyomingCourtRecords.us provides members of the public with a means of accessing court records.
Are Wyoming Civil Court Records Public?
Yes, according to the Wyoming Sunshine Law, civil court records in Wyoming are accessible by members of the public. However, these records may be exempted from public access by statute or court rule. Examples of such confidential information can include civil cases involving mental health issues, workers' compensation matters, and the establishment of paternity matters. Even then, civil court records that are not open to the public make up a very small percentage of the court's total records. The majority of court records are public records and the court clerk is mandated to allow members of the public a right to inspect on request.
Types of Cases in Wyoming Civil Courts
District courts in Wyoming have general jurisdiction over civil cases exceeding $50,000 in worth and monetary value. On the other hand, Circuit courts also handle civil cases with $50,000 or less in dispute. Generally, types of cases brought before the district courts and circuit courts in Wyoming include:
- Civil claims for the recovery of money
- Civil claims for the recovery of personal property
- Landlord-tenant cases
- Small claims cases
- Disposal of abandoned vehicles
- Contract suits
- Torts claims
- Bankruptcy cases
- Copyright infringement cases
- Tax suits
- Sex Offenses
What is the Difference Between Criminal Cases and Civil Cases in Wyoming?
The key differences between criminal cases and civil cases in Wyoming include;
- Crimes are considered offenses against the state or society. They are initiated by the state against an individual or a group of individuals. Civil cases, on the other hand, are legal disputes of civil wrongdoings between individuals. The wronged party usually initiates a civil case.
- Criminal offenses and civil suits are generally different in terms of associated penalties. Civil cases are typically resolved by monetary compensations or a court order to perform or cease from performing an action. Criminal cases, however, are punishable by imprisonment, fines, and other provisions of the law.
How Do I Find Civil Court Records In Wyoming?
Civil court records in Wyoming are public records that can be accessed on request by interested individuals. The state courts made the request process easy by providing a guidebook for inquirers. Generally, civil court records are kept in physical and electronic formats, and requesters may access electronic records on online databases provided by Wyoming courts.
Requests for elusive electronic records or tangible records can be addressed by the court where the case was heard.
- Requests for tangible civil court records will be directed to the court clerk, preferably in writing
- The inquirer is not required to state the purpose of the request unless the purpose is for commercial gain
- These requests must be as specific as possible to aid the timely location of the record
- The inquirer will be expected to pay a fee for making copies
- For denied requests, the court is mandated by law to respond to the inquirer's request with reasons why the records are inaccessible orally or in writing
How Do I Find Civil Court Records Online?
Wyoming courts generally do not store their court documents online. The only records that may be found online are PDF forms to use for legal actions and proceedings within the state. Hence, inquirers may visit the courts in person to request copies of public civil court records. Use the court directories maintained by the Wyoming Judicial Branch to locate the court of interest. Interested persons can use this information to find the court where the case of interest was heard to request for records.
What Is Included In a Wyoming Civil Court Record?
A civil court record in Wyoming consists of all documents and transcripts generated during civil court proceedings. These may include:
- The plaintiff's complaint or petition
- Court summons and order of notices
- Amendments to the complaint, counterclaims, and answers
- Evidence presented during the court hearing
- Court-ordered settlements
- Arguments
- Final judgments
- Trial transcripts
- Witnesses
- Attorney information
- Motion for a summary of the judgment
- Details of arbitration, etc.
How to Access Wyoming Civil Court Records For Free
In Wyoming, physical and electronic civil court records can be viewed and inspected for free. However, inquirers are required to pay a small fee for making copies and extensive research time.
How to Seal Civil Court Records in Wyoming
Sealing civil court records according to the Wyoming court rules is termed "filing confidential information".
- The individual seeking to seal a civil court record has to file a motion by filing a confidential information form and providing a proposed redacted version along with the unredacted version. Both versions must be provided at the same time of filing the petition according to court rules to avoid rejection
- This motion should also include an affidavit showing "good cause" for requesting to have the records sealed or information redacted. The motion and affidavit will be titled "motion for limited intervention".
- The petitioner must also include a request for an order granting limited intervention that will be signed by the judge if the motion is successful
- When the motion is filed, the court clerk is required to keep all information regarding that case confidential and restrict access to them until the court has ruled on the motion
- The individual also has to make sure that all parties in the case are served notices of the motion and the affidavit
- The individual must present certificates showing service of the motion to the parties in the case. If any of the parties can't be located, the individual filing the motion must request a waiver of the notice requirements.
- The court shall limit public access to the record only when the potential harm that the disclosure of the information may cause outweighs the public right of access. The clerk must remove the required information after the motion is granted and disclose the rest of the record.
How to Access Sealed Civil Court Records in Wyoming
Sealed documents or information are generally inaccessible by the public. However, the court ruling may be challenged by an individual with good cause. The same conditions apply when requesting to have a record sealed. The interested party must file a motion along with an affidavit showing good cause for access to sealed documents or information. All parties in the case must be notified of this motion. If a party in the case is interested in keeping the case confidential, he/she may file a response within 20 days of being notified of the motion. The court will only grant access to the sealed document if it determines that it is in the interest of justice and that the need for access to the document outweighs any harm or prejudice to any party.